
Data structure is a logical way of organizing the data in computer's memory .
Difference between Linear and Non-Linear Data Structure

There are main two types of data structures : Linear and Non-Linear .   

In linear data structure the data is organized in  linear manner , i.e. one element after other. While in non-linear data structure elements are organized in hierarchical manner .

 What do you mean by hierarchical manner ? To understand it better, let's consider an example. Have you seen family tree ? How it is represented ? There is single ancestor ,then his children and so on . There are levels ,we call it as generation. One person can have either one child or multiple children. This example certainly clarifies the idea of non-linear data structure .

Linear data structure is simple and easy to implement  as compared to non-linear one .

There are some important points of difference between Linear and Non-Linear data structure . Let's through light on what is the exact difference :

Difference between Linear and Non Linear  Data Structure

Linear Data Structure Non- Linear Data Structure
The data elements are stored in sequential manner . The data elements are not stored in sequential manner .
One data element is stored after the another linearly . In non-linear ,data elements  are stored in hierarchical manner.
The traversal of data elements is very easy in linear data structure. The traversal of data elements is not so easy in non-linear data structure.
Suppose you want to visit a particular data element in linear data structure , you need to traverse all the elements present before that element . In non-linear data structure , if you have visit a particular data element , there is no need to traverse all the nodes /data elements present in structure .
In linear data structure ,there is one to one relation between data elements. In non - linear data structure ,there may be one to one or one to many  relation between data elements.
One data element can be connected to maximum two other data elements only . One data element can be connected to several other data elements .
Linear data structure is very easy to implement . Non-linear data structure is relatively complex to implement .
Linear data structure has single level of data elements . Non-linear data structure involves multiple levels of data elements .
Array , Stack ,Queue , Linked list are the examples of linear data structure. Tree and Graph are the examples of non-linear data structure.

 Just a second !

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