C++ implementation of Linear Probing without Chaining

In this article we are going to do an assignment based on topic in hashing.
Hashing preferred when the searching is to be made very efficient i.e. searching in time  O( 1 ) . 
In this article we are going to implement Linear Probing without Chaining.

Problem Statement 

A node consist of <Key, Value> pair ,where nodes are compared and inserted on basis of key . Build a structure such that it should provide a facility of adding a new key ,update meaning of a key ,delete a key(linear probing without chaining).

Solution :

In linear probing the technique is very simple , first compute the hash value of data ,check whether the place at the hash is empty . If empty place the value at that position. Else go to the next position check whether it is empty ,if empty place the value at that position .Repeat the procedure until find empty space in hash table .

#C++ Program for Depth First Search

Download code from here

using namespace std;

struct product
    int serialNo;
    char name[20];

void insertKey  ( product ht[ ] ,  int size );
void searchValue (product ht[ ],  int size);
void updateValue (product ht[],  int size);
void deleteKey  (product ht[],  int size);
void display (product ht[],  int size);
int hashKey  (int,int);

int main()
    int choise;
    int size;
    cout<<"Enter the size of hash table : ";

    product hashTable[size];
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
        hashTable[i].serialNo = -1;

        cout<<"\t\t\t Linear Probing Without Chaining \n\n";
        cout<<"\t\t  1.Insert a new Product \n";
        cout<<"\t\t  2.Search for Product details with serial number \n";
        cout<<"\t\t  3.Update the Product data \n";
        cout<<"\t\t  4.Delete the Product data \n";
        cout<<"\t\t  5.Display the hashing table data \n";
        cout<<"\t\t  6.Exit\n";
        cout<<"\t  Your choise :  ";

        switch  (choise)
            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:

            case 4:

            case 5:

    }while  (choise<6);

void insertKey  (product ht[],   int size)

    int key;char name[20];
    cout<<"Enter the Serial Number of product : ";
    cout<<"Enter the Name of Product :  ";

    int hash = hashKey(key,size);

    if  (ht [hash] .serialNo  ==  (-1))
        ht[hash].serialNo = key;
        cout<<"\t\t   Product inserted Succesfully in table \n";

        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
            if  (ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo == (-1))

                ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo = key;
                cout<<"\t\t  Product inserted Succesfully in table \n";


void display  (product ht[],  int size)
    cout<<"\n\t\t\t  The data present in hash table is as follows \n\n";
    cout<<"\t\t  Serial Number\tProduct Name\n";      
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        cout<<"\t\t    "<<ht[i].serialNo<<"\t\t\t"<<ht[i].name<<endl;

void searchValue  ( product ht[] ,  int size)
    int key,flag=0;
    cout<<"Enter the Serial Number to be search : ";

    int hash = hashKey(key,size);

    if  (ht[hash].serialNo==key)
        cout<<"Key found !\nThe details stored at key "
        <<key<<"  is as :  Serial Number : "
        <<ht[hash].serialNo<<"\t Product name : "<<ht[hash].name<<endl;
        flag =1;

        for  (int i=0;i<size;i++)
                if  (ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo == key)

                    cout<<"Key found !\nThe details stored at key "
                    <<key<<"  is as :  Serial Number : "
                    <<ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo<<"\t Product name : "<<ht[(hash+i)%size].name<<endl;
                    flag =1;
            if  (flag==0)
            cout<<"\tOops !! Looks like the key is not in table\n";


void updateValue  (product ht[]  ,  int size)
    int key,flag =0;
    char uName[20];
    cout<<"Enter the Serial Number to be Update : ";

    int hash = hashKey(key,size);

    if (ht[hash].serialNo ==key)
        cout<<"Enter the updated name of product : ";
        cout<<"\tSuccess ! Data updated at Serial Number : "
        flag =1;
        for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
                if  (ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo == key)

                    cout<<"Enter the updated name of product : ";
                    cout<<"\tSuccess ! Data updated at Serial Number : "
                    flag =1;


        if  (flag==0)
            cout<<"\tLooks like the key is not in table\n";

void deleteKey  (product ht[]  ,  int size)
    int key,flag =0;
    char uName[20];
    cout<<"Enter the Serial Number to be Delete : ";

    int hash = hashKey(key,size);

    if  (ht[hash].serialNo ==key)
        ht[hash].serialNo = -1;
        cout<<"\t  Success ! Data deleted at Serial Number : "
        flag =1;
        for  (int i=0;i<size;i++)
                if  (ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo == key)

                    ht[(hash+i)%size].serialNo = -1;
                    cout<<"\t  Success ! Data deleted at Serial Number : "
                    flag =1;

            if  (flag==0)
            cout<<"\t  Looks like the key is not in table\n";


int hashKey (int key  , int size)



Output :