Simple Calculator
using namespace std;
int main()
    int value1, value2;
    char action;
    char choise;
        cout<<"Enter two numbers : ";
        cin>>value1 >>value2;

        cout<<"Enter the operator + or - or * or /  : ";

            case '+':
                cout<<"The addition is : "<<value1 + value2<<endl;

            case '-':
                cout<<"The subtraction is : "<<value1 - value2<<endl;

            case '*':
                cout<<"The multiplication is : "<<value1 * value2<<endl;
            case '/':
                cout<<"The division is : "<<value1 / value2<<endl;

        cout<<"Want to continue ? 'y' for YES 'n' if NO : ";

Output : 
Enter two numbers : 40 20
Enter the operator + or - or * or /  : +
The addition is : 60 

Want to continue ? 'y' for YES 'n' if NO : y
Enter two numbers : 40 20
Enter the operator + or - or * or /  : -
The subtraction is : 20

Want to continue ? 'y' for YES 'n' if NO : y
Enter two numbers : 50 30
Enter the operator + or - or * or /  : *
The multiplication is : 1500

Want to continue ? 'y' for YES 'n' if NO : y
Enter two numbers : 60 30
Enter the operator + or - or * or /  : /
The division is : 2